Articles on: Verification

What do I do if I still don't have an NIU?

Did you know that with the arrival of V3, PaySika has improved the verification process? The only thing we ask is that you provide us with the necessary information and that's it!

Due to your numerous complaints about obtaining a NIU (Unique Identification Number), we have set up a reliable and fast system to enable you to create and generate your NIU without you lifting a finger.

You can now request the creation of an NIU by PaySika if you have not yet been able to obtain one.

Before making your NIU request, you should make sure that all the other verification fields have been filled in. This will ensure that the creation of your NIU goes smoothly.

However, in view of the new rates imposed by the tax authorities, this operation will cost you 2,500 FCFA, i.e. :

1,000 FCFA* For assistance

1,500 FCFA * For the stamp required by the tax authorities.

It will be automatically deducted from your account.

Once you have provided our team with the information required for verification, your NIU registration certificate will be created and added to your PaySika account. Rest assured, we will send you an email to confirm that your NIU has been successfully created, along with a copy of your certificate.

After submitting your verification, you will have to wait 24 or 48 hours to find out whether or not you have been verified. After this time, you must write to us via the application chat.

Updated on: 19/02/2024

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