Articles on: Paiement /tutos

How do I make a successful payment with the XAF PaySika card?

Have you tried to make a payment on one of your merchant sites without success?
However, your XAF card has the advantage of passing through several merchant platforms!

For any online payment transaction, these conditions must be met:

You must ensure that you have an up-to-date version of the application. So go HERE:
Your account must be verified.
Make a deposit or bank transfer to your account via Mobile Money/Bank and then to your XAF card.
Make sure you have enough money on your FCFA card, i.e. at least 2,000 to 3,000 FCFA more than the amount to be debited by the merchant site. This is because you will be debited a 1% fee.
Please be reassured that this is not a trading site, as our cards do not currently pass through these sites.
How do I make a payment with an XAF PaySika card?

As you know, our aim is to make your life easier while protecting you.
PaySika offers you an innovative application which allows you to easily generate an XAF bank card.
To make your payment, you need to follow the steps below:

Go to the "card" tab
Click on the XAF card to see your card details.
Enter your PIN code, fingerprint or facial identification.
You will have access to your information: card number, CV and date.
You must make sure that the information is written correctly when you pay.

If, despite all these conditions, you are still unable to finalise your payment, rest assured that you have not carried out one of the following actions:

Use a new card even though you already have a bank card registered on the merchant site.
Making payments with an insufficient balance, which could result in your account being blocked.

In the first case, you need to delete the old payment method used on the platform in question. In the second case,** it is preferable to have an extra 2,000 to 3,000 FCFA in addition to the amount requested on the site.

Good to know : your card is automatically blocked after two failed payment attempts for insufficient balance.

If all these conditions are met and you have not reached the transaction limit, your payment should be successful.
For any complaints if the payment is still refused, contact us directly via the application chat.

Updated on: 21/02/2024

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